Day 197 of 365 Days of Silver ~~ Grateful For A “Real” Wedding Invitation


“There’s so much more work to be done to extend the full promise of America to every American. But today, we can say in no uncertain terms that we’ve made our union a little more perfect.”
~~ President Obama

When R and I got married on November 5, 2005, it was as real as real a wedding as there ever was. It wasn’t legally recognized, but I don’t know anyone who was there who didn’t consider it real. However…again…as far as the government was concerned, it wasn’t real. As far as I know, Massachusetts was the only state in the United States where same-sex was recognized.

But now that has all changed. Now we are legally married and same-sex marriage is legal in the entire country. Amazing!

Now it’s just called “marriage.”

However, that doesn’t change my joy in receiving my first wedding invitation since the historic SCUTUS decision on June 26 2015.

Deb and Andrea, two women who I just adore, are getting married! If I can get the time off of work it will be the first “legal” same-sex wedding that I have been to!

I cannot tell you the joy that has filled me this evening. I keep picking the invitation up over and over again. Two two people are so incredibly lovely inside and out and just glow and vibrate with love. You are bathed with in when you are in their presence. And now they have the same rights–to demonstrate that love–as any other human beings in the United States of America!

And I am thrilled! If I go or not! I will save the invitation forever! It’s historic in my life! It’s here! It’s here!

Soon invitations will pass into anything I will be amazed and stunned by….

What a blessing.

Love Wins!
B.G. Thomas

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