Day 141 of 365 Days of Silver ~~ Grateful for a Surprisingly Nice Day!

have a nice day by kakisky

“The chief beauty about time is that you cannot waste it in advance. The next year, the next day, the next hour are lying ready for you, as perfect, as unspoiled, as if you had never wasted or misapplied a single moment in all your life. You can turn over a new leaf every hour if you choose.”
~~ Arnold Bennett

So today was my first day back to work in a week and I was doing my best to live in the now and not dread it. Score!

First, the Evil Team Leader was being nice.

Then it wasn’t too awful busy that first hour where I am always on the production floor alone.

Then the supervisor got in early today and when she found out I wasn’t back to snuff but had to come back to work because I didn’t have any more sick hours she asked if I wanted to work in another department today–a department I like to work in. The pace isn’t as fast and not nearly as physically demanding.

Then an old work friend who has gone to the night shift showed up. He needed the over time and we got to catch up, catch up, catch up and we were able to work while doing so!

I am not nearly as exhausted as I often am after a 12-hour shift, had a nice dinner, a nice desert, and….

….when I asked my wonderful neighbor (actually, part of a couple who are the best neighbors ever) to help me place three new hostas in my garden, he helped me plant them!

What a nice and unexpectedly wonderful day.

Thank you Universe! It is much appreciated and am extremely grateful.

And aren’t I glad I didn’t spend any real energy dreading today! It would have been time wasted!

B.G. Thomas

photo by kakisky from morgueFile

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